+39 0861 230005 +39 0861 230668 pirsafa@pirsafa.com Z. Ind.le Case Molino - Via L.Ariosto, 64020 Castellalto TE - ITALY

Plastic Size Markers: The Art of Customization


Segna taglie per grucce con impresso età ed altezza

Plastic Size Markers: the Art of Customization

If you've ever wanted size markers for hangers that are not just functional but also a unique expression of your brand or style, you've come to the right place.

Our company stands out in the industry for the production of highly customized plastic size markers, thanks to the use of innovative technologies and expertise gained over the years.
Unlike those available in the market, the size markers we produce are characterized by three size prints around the body of the product (one in the center and two on the sides), ensuring the immediate visibility of garment measurements from different angles, which would be more challenging if the size were only printed once.

Personalization in the Spotlight

One of the distinctive features of our service is the ability to offer a wide range of customization options.
In addition to the classic standard size markers with numerical and lettered sizes, our solutions include:

  • Size Markers with Age and Height Imprint

Particularly suitable for children's productions and stores to provide customers with timely information on garment measurements.
Additionally, if you want to keep a record of collection sizes or organize garments neatly and accurately, size markers with age and height are the perfect choice.

Within a single hanger washer, you'll find information on both age (expressed in years (Y)) and the height associated with that particular age range (in cm).

Segna taglie per grucce con impresso età ed altezza

  • Size Markers with Customized Logo

Put your brand in the spotlight with size markers that include the customized logo of your brand: perfect for a unique experience and increasing customer brand loyalty.
Size markers with a custom logo are the most customized of all: various tests and adaptations are required in some cases, given the very small sizes on which the print must be applied.

Segnataglie personalizzate con logo

  • Size Markers with "Made in Italy" Imprint

Is your brand proudly "Made in Italy"? Showcase the Italian origin with size markers proudly stating "Made in Italy."
The three-line imprint can be placed as the central print of the size marker, surrounded by side prints indicating the size.

Segnataglie Made in Italy

  • Size Markers with Recycing Symbol

Demonstrate your commitment to the environment and sustainability with size markers that include the recycling symbol to ensure that the end user doesn't make mistakes in recycling.
The environmental label displays the 06 Polystyrene symbol, the material from which all our standard size markers are made.
Of course, all our hanger washers are 100% recyclable because they are made from first-choice plastic.
But before thinking about end-of-life, let's remember that these washers can be used over and over again!

Segna taglie per grucce con simbolo riciclo

  • Size Markers with Intermediate Sizes (e.g. 38/40, M/L)

Meet your customers' needs by offering size markers with intermediate sizes for a more precise fit.
In this case, since the size to be printed is quite "bulky," it will be repeated twice (instead of three times) on the body of the size marker. Here are some examples:

Segnataglie con taglie intermedie

  • Two-color Size Markers

Our advanced technology allows for customization through the fusion of two colors, resulting in extraordinary results.
These highly unique size markers are usually used for sports teams or brands particularly attentive to colors.
Thanks to bi-injection, we open up new design possibilities.

Segna taglie per grucce con impresso età ed altezza

  • Size Markers with Glossy Print (Bright Gold, Silver, Bronze)

Add a touch of luxury to your creations with size markers featuring glossy prints available in many colors, including gold, silver, and bronze. Needless to say, the brightness and quality of detail make the hanger visible from meters away.

  • Size Markers YOUR WAY!

We don't know if it was clear, but our goal is to create every possible type of size marker!
To make it easier for customers to choose, we have created a configurator of size markers for hanger, through which you can calmly choose the color of the size marker, type of print, print color (all with Pantone codes), plastic type, and finally, you can even upload your logo to request a quote directly!

Segna taglie per grucce con impresso età ed altezza

Innovation and Sustainability

Our company is at the forefront of plastic size marker production. We use highly innovative and energy-efficient machinery, reducing the environmental impact while ensuring high-quality products.
The hot stamping technology ensures impeccable details, while our commitment to energy conservation demonstrates our dedication to a sustainable future.

Your Vision, Our Priority

No request is too big or too small.
We work closely with our customers to turn their vision into reality, creating plastic sizemarkers that make a statement of style and quality. Personalization is at the heart of everything we do, and we are ready to exceed every expectation.

For more information on our customized plastic size markers and to discover how we can help distinguish your brand in the fashion world, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to take your creativity and style to the next level.


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