+39 0861 230005 +39 0861 230668 pirsafa@pirsafa.com Z. Ind.le Case Molino - Via L.Ariosto, 64020 Castellalto TE - ITALY



Did you know that market uses unwritten rules for linking colors to sizemarker for hangers?

In 30 years of sizemarkers production, clients have made various requests… but most of them had something in common: color of sizes!

segnataglie per grucce

Between those above, which one is the right color for an XS (according to the market)?

Lilac 68508 black print

These are unwritten rules, actions commonly used into the fashion field.
During years, we have collected all this information, and put it into our online configurator, not just for italian colors, but foreign and accoring to Delubac rules as well.

All this for optimizing our client's work, since we understand that remember all colors linked to each size, as well as each shadow of color could be hard! Inside the configurator, you just need to choose the size, and automatically Panton color for that size will appear (as shown in the video).

If your company has internal rules for color instead, no worries! Each sizemarker for hanger is customizable with at least 80 different tints and prints!

For this carnival, then, no harlequin, but just the right colors!

maschere carnevale

Talking about carnival, down the masks…
here's a little trick!

Our square sizemarkers (Ecodesign winner 2022) have the registered trademark stamped.
Looking carefully inside the size cube, the "FP" can be seen. Did you ever notice?

logo pirsafa

segnataglie per grucce

What colors do you use?
Did you know about these market habits?
Tell us!

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