+39 0861 230005 +39 0861 230668 pirsafa@pirsafa.com Z. Ind.le Case Molino - Via L.Ariosto, 64020 Castellalto TE - ITALY
COCKADE MADE IN ITALY SEAL TAG Ø mm 11 int. - pr. Silver

COCKADE MADE IN ITALY SEAL TAG Ø mm 11 int. - pr. Silver

Recyclable one-piece security seals for the packaging of clothes and other products.

Packs in bags of pcs. 500

Packaging available Price* Q.ty Buy
500 pcs. € 23,50
1000 pcs. € 45,00
5000 pcs. € 200,00
* VAT excluded
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Plastic seal tags have the purpose to attach the tag to the garment/product, also ensuring that it is not used before any return. In fact, in case of tampering/ breakage, the seal has been designed not to be reusable (once opened, it will not be possible to close it anymore).

The cord in nylon has a length of mm 265, with the body of the seal in the centre.

The composition of the hang tag (polystyrene and cord in nylon) guarantees that everything can be thrown into the plastic and can be recycled, avoiding that the final consumer must separate the cord from the body.

The writing "Made in Italy" on both sides, is a relief writing created by hot stamping.

For use, simply insert the dart into the body of the seal, until it clicks.

For requests larger than pcs 10,000, or for other pastel colors with minimum order of 10,000 pieces, or other types of cord with minimum order of 20,000 pcs, please contact the company directly by sending a request by email ( pirsafa@pirsafa.com ).

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Category: SEAL TAG
Item code: 25M104
Color: Black
Type of printing: Hot printing with foil
Print color: Shining Silver
Type of material: Polystyrene (PS 6)
Single weight: 1.20 gr.
Package weight: 0.80 Kg.
Type of packaging: Packaging (500 pz)

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