+39 0861 230005 +39 0861 230668 pirsafa@pirsafa.com Z. Ind.le Case Molino - Via L.Ariosto, 64020 Castellalto TE - ITALY

A New Chapter: the FP logo registered by PIR.SA.FA. S.R.L.



A New Chapter: the FP logo registered by PIR.SA.FA. S.R.L.

We are excited to share exciting and significant news: PIR.SA.FA. S.R.L. has officially registered the Italian trademark "FP".
This is a crucial milestone symbolizing our ongoing commitment to excellence and distinction in the industry.

FP Logo - Italy

The registered FP Logo now officially represents our unique identity, dedication to quality, and commitment to providing cutting-edge customized solutions.
It is the tangible symbol of our history, vision, and innovation in the market.

The Meaning of "FP"

The FP Logo is more than an image; it is a tribute to our founder, Ferruccio Pirani, and his son Fabio.
The initials "F" and "P" embody the commitment and passion of Ferruccio, who has guided the growth and vision of PIR.SA.FA. S.R.L. since its inception.

This legal recognition is the result of years of dedication, creativity, and passion invested in building and solidifying our brand. We are grateful for your continued support and the trust you have placed in us over the years.

What it means for you:

  1. Guaranteed Quality: the registered trademark is a tangible confirmation of our commitment to quality and excellence in every aspect of our work;
  2. Authenticity and Distinction: the trademark sets us apart in the market, confirming our authenticity and position as leaders in the industry;
  3. Continuity and Innovation: the trademark registration underscores our ongoing dedication to innovation and improvement, driven by the desire to constantly exceed expectations.

What Changes:
The trademark registration provides us with legal protection, strengthening our position in the market and allowing us to grow with confidence, upholding our core values.


The Future with FP Logo

We look to the future with great enthusiasm, confident that the FP Logo will become a recognized symbol of quality, reliability, and innovation.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Stay tuned for further updates and successes with the FP Logo trademark.

With gratitude,


Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | pirsafa@pirsafa.com | +39 0861 230005

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